教えて!gooはあなたの質問と回答を “誰か” と結びつける、日本最大級の無料Q&Aコミュニティ。誰にも相談できない悩みや素朴な疑問もここで答えがもらえるかも。
Version: 2.6.5
Program available in: Japanese
Program license: Free
Program by: NTT Resonant Inc.
教えて!goo is an Android app developed by NTT Resonant Inc. (108-0023 東京都港区芝浦3-4-1 グランパークタワー). Others apps created by NTT Resonant Inc. are: Neo Monsters.
教えて!goo first became available on 24 May 2015. It is estimated that 教えて!goo has been downloaded between 1000000 and 5000000 times from the Play Store.